Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Early Bird Sees Courses Filling Fast

We've just had our first course reach maximum numbers and close to further registrations, our ever-popular Middle Ages Literature course on a Monday.

It's all a bit crowded in here!

But never mind: we have a second section available on Tuesdays.

This brings up a good point, however: Early Bird registration sees an influx of families who want to reserve their spot for next year at the best level of discount, so there are two reasons why taking advantage of this is in everyone's interest.

The first is, classes do fill up, and only a very few of them have more than one section on offer. If you want to grab a spot on our live, online courses with subject experts who teach via living books, then do it now.

I'm not saying this because it's sales talk - I'm saying it because Middle Ages Lit on Mondays is only the first course that's full. There are four others that are near this level, and once they're closed, they will be closed for the full academic year.

The second is, there are only two weeks left of the Early Bird specials, of which there are three main perks: one is to lock in your place on any course for just the registration fee, and following on from that, the chance to pay the rest of your balance in installments*. The third is that you will be assessed at last year's rates for the course fees.

As a very practical person myself, and a homeschooler to boot, I hope you'll also see the logic in grabbing a good deal while it's available. There's only so much of me and my colleagues to go around.

So honestly - register today or your teen may be bummed they missed the chance to join such motivating and stimulating opportunities for learning!

*With installments, you're welcome to pay a little bit as a time, as long as the full balance is paid by 1st September, 2018. No student with a remaining balance will be admitted into the live classroom.

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