
This course is a good follow-up to the Middle Ages course. While not strictly Renaissance era, the texts span the reigns of the Tudor/Stuart monarchs to create an excellent foundation for over 150  years of English history.

  • Reading texts are Utopia, Book 1 of the Faerie Queene, a selection of poetry including sonnets, Pilgrim's Progress, Paradise Lost, and three Shakespeare plays.
  • Background texts are the second third of Marshall's English Literature for Boys and Girls, and Ovid's Metamorphoses.
  • Add-On Composition extension focuses on skills for iGCSE English Literature exams.
  • Add-On Reading extension is available for those students are especially able and requires a minimum of 4 students to make the book club viable. Texts are a variety of historical novels such as Kenilworth and The Three Musketeers.
Renaissance Literature classes will meet on Tuesdays from 7-8 pm BST (6:30 pm for add-on composition extension). The first class is scheduled to begin on 13th September, 2016.

One parent's view of RenLit:  Both my husband and I are amazed at how much our children are learning and both children are very proud of their achievements. I am especially pleased that they are exposed to wonderful literature and the prep for exams happens along the way, but is not the main focus. 

1 comment:

  1. Once you get into it, Paradise Lost is AMAZING! I would never have read it without taking this course, either, so thank you!


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