Friday, 16 December 2016

Middle-Ages Literature Student Wins Charity Speech Contest

A student from the Middle Ages Literature class at Dreaming Spires Home Learning has won the annual speech contest where the winner sees a donation sent from Dreaming Spires to a charity of his or her choosing.

Talia shows off her winner's certificate

Talia K, a 16-year-old from Maine, spoke with great passion about Dress a Girl Around the World. She continually asked us to envision a world where every girl owned at least one dress, and pointed out how a well-dressed girl was actually less likely to be targeted for the slave trade. We learned that people help sew the dresses rather than relying on machinery or mass-production, and each dress is distributed on mission trips in person, not just shipped abroad.

The external judge gave Talia the nod for not only her crafted speech, but because she had personally raised money and sewn dresses for the charity herself.

Congratulations, Talia!

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