Monday, 18 April 2016

Early Bird Sign-Up for September Starts Today!

From the 18th of April until the 30th, Dreaming Spires is offering incentives to sign up early for next September's courses.

Dreaming Spires is an online provider of challenging courses in English and Classical Civilisation. Run by homeschooling moms who are specialists in their fields, we give you the personal touch because we are exactly where you are in terms of our own children's ages and college aspirations.

 Here's what you get if you sign up before April 30th:

  1. the chance to reserve your place for only the £15 registration fee -- deadline for full payment is 1st September;
  2. the chance to pay via monthly instalments, to help spread the costs of the course;
  3. a 10% discount off the main course, even if you're already receiving the 50% sibling discount!
Current students have already been able to reserve their places for the previous weeks, so some of the courses are filling up fast -- don't delay in contacting us and getting your name down while space is still available!

Registration form is here.

Come visit us on 

  • Facebook page =
  • Twitter = @dreaminspiresHL
  • Instagram = dreaming_spires_home_learning

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